Welcome to Jack Anugerah Indonesia !

About Us

PT Jack Anugerah Indonesia (DKI Jakarta, Indonesia)

PT. Jack Anugerah Indonesia was established since 2010 with background experience and good knowledge in product distribution, installation, and marketing network We are committed in solution your requirement. Our Company is commissioned at Hayam Wuruk Street No.127 Lindeteves Trade Center Building Lt.2 Block C30E No 2, 2A-2B, West Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Due to the rapid growth and growing needs in the industry, we are committed to always innovate to achieve a leading position and trusted with a consistent orientation towards customer satisfaction as an important factor of success of our goals.

Being a solid and reliable company in the field of electrical and piping.
Always innovate, to achieve leading position and trustworthiness, with a consistent orientation towards customer satisfaction.

Partnerships with manufacturers through OEM or original equipment manufacturers in the field of Electrical and Piping System such as Metal Pipe Conduit, Cable Ties, Terminals Cable, Cable Lugs, Flexible Conduit, Cable Glands, Max Letter Lm-550A, and Accesories.

Here is a brief description of the product function that JAI sells:
- Flexible Metal Conduit is a tool that is used as the right to drain something usually used to drain gas can also as connectors and other conduit coatings.
- Cable Gland serves to embed, protect, and become cable connectors or electrical devices
- PPR Pipes (PolyPropylene Random) is a pipe of plastics Polypropilene commonly called with sterile pipes that have features heat resistant and anti-leaking, PPR pipe diguanakan for installation projects of all types of liquids.
- Max Letatwin is a tubing printer machine used for cable markers in instrument panel.
- Metal Conduit Pipe is a tool to protect cables from external environmental factors such as being bitten by animals, dust, and other factors that can be positioned in soil, walls, outdor cables, and elsewhere.
In addition to the above products JAI sell Electrical and Piping System products of various types and brands. Jai has been trusted as an authorized agent or distributor of several brands of Electrical and Piping System such as KSS, Unibell, Panasonic, Wahana, OSCG, Nitto, 3M, Hellermann Tyton, Arrowtite, Clipsal, Ginde Pipe, Toro PPR Pipes, Aeroflex, and other brands .

PT Jack Anugerah Indonesia through our professional expertise and staff experience in the field of Electrical and Piping System products will provide excellent service to meet your project needs.

Similarly, this Company Profile We convey, to provide a global overview of our company. It is a pride for us if we can establish a partnership with a company that you lead.


Menjadi perusahaan yang solid dan terpercaya dibidang electrical dan pipa PPR


Selalu berinovasi, untuk mencapai posisi terdepan dan dapat dipercaya, dengan orientasi yang konsisten terhadap kepuasan pelanggan.


PT. Jack Anugerah Indonesia didirikan sejak tahun 2010 dengan latar belakang pengalaman dan pengetahuan baik dalam distribusi produk, instalasi, dan jaringan pemasaran.Perusahaan Kami berdomisi di Jalan Hayam Wuruk No.127 Gedung Lindeteves Trade Center Lt.2 Blok C30E No 2, 2A-2B, Jakarta Barat, Jakarta, Indonesia. Kami ada karena pertumbuhan dan pekembangan kebutuhan di Industrial sangat pesat, Jack Anugerah berkomitmen untuk selalu berinovasi untuk mencapai posisi terdepan dan terpercaya dengan orientasi konsisten terhadap kepuasan pelanggan sebagai faktor penting keberhasilan tujuan kami dan kami berkomitmen dalam memberikan solusi kebutuhan Anda.

Kami juga merupakan kemitraan dengan pabrikan melalui OEM atau produsen peralatan asli pada bidang Electrical dan Piping System seperti Pipa Metal Conduit, Cable Ties, Terminals Cable, Cable Lugs, Flexible Conduit, Cable Glands, Max Letatwin Lm-550A, dan Accesories.
Adapun produk kebutuhan eletical dan perpipaan yang kami sediakan seperti jual pipa ppr, jual cable gland, jual flexibel metal conduit, max letatwin dari berbagai merk terpercaya dan berkualitas seperti KSS, Unibell, Panasonic, Wahana, OSCG, Nitto, 3M, Hellermann Tyton, Arrowtite, Clipsal, Ginde Pipe , Pipa Toro PPR, Aeroflex, dan merk lainnya.
PT Jack Anugerah Indonesia melalui berbagai keahlianya dan pengalaman staf yang profesional di bidang produk Electrical dan Piping System akan siap membantu dan menyediakan pelayanan secara baik untuk memenuhi kebutuhan proyek Anda. Merupakan suatu kebanggaan bagi Kami apabila dapat terjalin suatu kerjasama dengan perusahaan Anda.


Jl. Hayam Wuruk No.127 Gedung Lindeteves Trade Center Lt.2 Blok C30E No.2 Jakarta Barat 11180
DKI Jakarta , Indonesia


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